EFC Groups

We follow Jesus best in community

Find a group that's right for you!

EFC Groups meet regularly either in homes, online, or at church.  Groups focus on a variety of topics but the purpose of each is to help you connect with others.

Find A Group

Ready to take your step into community? We have several types of groups to fit your needs!

Life Groups

Groups based on community and doing life together.

Browse Life Groups > >

Learning Groups

Groups that are centered around a class or curriculum.

Browse Learning Groups > >

Interest Groups

Groups centered around a common hobby or interest.

Browse Interest Groups > >


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What is a group?

A gathering of people that agree to meet with one another and build community, usually resulting in growth, support and encouragement. Because we offer three different types of groups, the gatherings look different from one group to another.

When and where do groups meet?

Groups are available several evenings during the week, with some during the day as well. Most groups meet in homes, while some meet in restaurants, coffee shops, or at the church. Interest groups meet wherever the hobby takes place. Group gatherings usually last 1 to 2 hours.

What types of groups are offered?

We realize everyone is unique with different preferences and we are all at different places in our faith journey. Here are three types of groups we offer to help you connect with God and others.

  1. Life Groups meet weekly or bi-weekly and usually are made up of 6-20 people. They exist to help you to grow in your faith, serve God, and reach out to others. Most groups are organized by stage of life and some are multi-generational. Most groups meet weekly but some are less frequently. Typically there is a time of catching up, then a time of reflecting on God’s Word, praying together, and sometimes enjoying food together. Study topics include books of the Bible, topical studies or discussion of the message.
  2. Learning Groups are centered around a class such as Financial Peace University or a Bible study. They have set start and end dates and the group members may change from one session to the next.
  3. Interest Groups provide an option for those who have common interests. Examples include Cancer support, health, hobbies, or accountability groups. Groups are of varying size and may meet regularly or only occasionally.
Why should I be in a group?

We need one another! We are called to be involved in the lives of one another. Even Jesus, the Perfect Son of God, had a small group! He did life with his twelve disciples and was even closer with three.

Joining a group is a great next step to take to connect with others at EFC.  We believe groups provide a powerful opportunity for growth as people share life together, reach out to those who need Jesus, and serve others. Groups are something we feel strongly about because it is how Jesus lived and loved, in community.

What if I don’t have time? What kind of a commitment is it?

We realize schedules are full but we feel groups are important enough to make time for them. Just as when you start a new diet or exercise regime, it can be hard to form a habit, so stick with it and don’t give up. Each group sets its own schedule, with some meeting weekly, bi-weekly or once a month.

Once you have joined a group, we ask that you make your group meeting time a priority. Attending regularly will help you build stronger connections with others in the group.

How do I check out my group options?

Think of it as a sample! It’s okay to visit a group for a week or two, without commitment, and then decide. If the group isn’t for you, it won’t hurt the group’s feelings. But don’t give up on groups! Keep trying by visiting another group until you find one.

What do I do with my kids?

Each group decides how to handle childcare. Some hire a sitter, some take turns watching the kids, and sometimes each family makes their own arrangements. EFC can be a resource for ideas and sitters.

What if I’ve been hurt by a previous group experience?

It’s sad but true that sometimes group life can be hard and even result in pain. People in a group are imperfect and we recognize hurtful actions or words may happen. We hope you can extend grace and forgiveness. When you’re ready, we encourage you to give groups another try. It’s worth it to find community.

What if I’d like to start a group?

Yes! We’d love that! New leaders are needed to start more groups and be able to serve more of our EFC family. We’d love to hear more about your idea! New leader training, coaching and support is available. Email

How do I find out about groups?

When you’re ready…

  • To receive detailed information applicable for you, fill out a Groups Interest form here: https://tinyurl.com/GroupsInterestForm
  • If you have any questions, email as she loves to get emails (not the spam kind)!

Thank you for your interest. Groups are something we feel strongly about because it is how Jesus lived and loved, in community with others. When we participate in groups, we are following Jesus’ example.

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